
先講結論,非常正!今次嘅重啓版好特別:唔多似傳統嘅超級英雄正邪對抗,而更似解密偵探片,like着住蝙蝠俠裝備嘅福爾摩斯,觀眾跟住蝙蝠俠去一齊搵線索、一步步推進情節發展,差唔多三個鐘嘅片但節奏比較快,所以唔會覺得悶;呢一版嘅故事係發生喺蝙蝠俠做咗冇幾年嘅時候,仲會有迷惘同自我懷疑自我修正,所以就會覺得超「真」,有血有肉;Robert Pattinson嘅演技一如既往地好;比較有瑕疵嘅就係有啲多餘嘅對話(即係本來動作、表情等等已經展現得好到位,唔知點解仲要直接講出嚟……怕人睇唔出噉

—!!! 請注意,以下內容會透露劇情 !!!---
故事設置喺Bruce Wayne啱做Batman兩年。一開始就講佢喺夜晚行動,利用私刑爆打施暴者去保護弱者維護正義,自稱自己係復仇者
I'm vengeance.
同時因為喺黑夜所以都有利用人性嘅恐懼去幫佢喺佢唔在場嘅地方間接制止暴行。但,如選舉候選人所講,呢座城市嘅犯罪率依然高居不下,why? 電影喺呢度先留下疑惑
而蝙蝠俠都同警方合作,當警方入邊佢嘅一個朋友James Gordon發信號時,佢就會趕到現場幫助破案同捉犯人
不過Bruce Wayne更關注嘅係死者個仔,因為令佢諗返起細個嘅自己,因為自己都經歷過噉嘅事,只係自己嗰陣係父母雙亡更加慘。回過神之後,都係要揾兇手,敵在暗,但點解仲要留謎語?如果係第一次接觸DC,肯定會有噉嘅疑問:唔通兇手想人揾到佢?
Alfred Pennyworth: If this continues, it won't be long before you've nothing left.
Bruce Wayne: I don't care about that. Any of that.
— You don't care about your family's legacy?
— What I'm doing is my family's legacy. If I can't change things here, if I can't have an effect, then I don't care what happens to me.
— That's what I'm afraid of.
— Alfred, stop. You're not my father.
好多時候傷人嘅説話都係唔經意講出口,that's too bad.
好快,佢哋破解到謎語人留低嘅線索"Drive",揾到一個USB 。打開之後發現一組相,係市長同埋一個女嘅一齊喺一個俱樂部門口前邊唔知做乜嘢,跟住啲相發晒去各大傳媒,公開出嚟,逼蝙蝠俠佢哋快啲繼續破解線索(跌咗落個大坑,一環接一環就係噉嚟)
Batman去俱樂部嘅時候,追蹤到一個目標Selina Kyle,身手好好,不過佢唔係兇手,而係佢嘅朋友個護照被市長攞咗,因為養好多流浪貓,所以係Catwoman
I have a thing about strays.
He was a cop. Crossed a line.
What does a liar do when he's dead?
— He lies still.
It can be cruel, poetic, or blind, but when it's denied, it's violence you may find.
— Justice.
I grew up from a seed, tough as a weed. But in a mansion, in a slum, I'll never know where I come from. Do you know what I am?
— It's an orphan. A mansion in a slum.
而當睇到謎語人嘅下一個目標係Bruce Wayne,Batman(其實就係佢自己)一路狂飆一邊瘋狂打電話,非常擔心Alfred會出事,可惜都係遲咗,意外都係發生咗,而好彩Alfred發現有危險嘅時候即刻抌出去,所以冇太嚴重,只係暫時昏迷。從呢度我哋就可以睇得出Bruce其實好着緊呢位陪住自己大嘅亦師亦友嘅長輩
Batman: Compromising yourself for money? What did you have to do to set up that score? How close did you have to get to Penguin? To Falcone?
Catwoman: You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Falcone owes me that money.
— He owes you? Oh, really? Why's that?
— You know what? I can't even talk to you.
— No! I want to know why a guy like Falcone would owe you anything.
— Because he's my father! My mother worked at the 44 Below.
You assume the worst in people. maybe we're not so different after all. Who are you under there? What are you hiding? Are you just... hideously scarred?
Alfred: You were only a boy, Bruce. I could see the fear in your eyes, but I didn't know how to help. I could teach you how to fight, but I wasn't equipped to take care of you. You needed a father. And all you had was me.
Bruce: Don't be sorry, Alfred. God. I never thought I'd feel fear like that again. I thought I'd mastered all that. I mean, I'm not afraid to die. I realize now there's something I haven't got past. This fear...of ever going through any of that again. Of losing somebody I care about.
Cross that line... you'll become just like him.
呢個係一個好得意嘅轉變,因為Batman在此之前做嘅事情都係cross the line,正常嘅社會係唔需要一個平民用私刑嘅方式去維護正義。但當佢睇到警察跨過界之後造成嘅影響之後,漸漸覺得自己之前嘅方式都有問題,而且,更重要嘅係,佢唔想貓女將自己嘅性命搭上去
Catwoman: He has to pay!
Batman: You don't have to pay with him. You paid enough.
Riddler: My life has been a cruel riddle I could not solve, suffocating my mind, no escape. But then, today, I saw it. A single word on this ledger, sitting on the desk beside me. "Renewal." The empty promise they sold to me as a child in that orphanage. One look inside, and finally I understood. My whole life has been preparing me for this. The moment when I would learn the truth. When I could finally strike back and expose their lies.
If you want people to understand, really understand, you can't just give them the answers. You have to confront them, torture them with the horrifying questions, just like they tortured me.
Riddler: All everyone wants to do is unmask you, but they're missing the point. You and I both know I'm looking at the real you right now. My mask allowed me to be myself completely. No shame, no limits.
I'm not physical. My strength is up here.(brain)
I mean, I had all the pieces, I had the answers. But I didn't know how to make them listen. You gave me that. You showed me what was possible. You showed me all it takes is fear and a little focused violence. You inspired me.
Batman: You're out of your goddamn mind. This is all in your head. You're sick, twisted. You're a pathetic psychopath, - begging for attention.
James: It's not safe for you here. We need to get you out, Ms. Reál.
Bella Reál: I'm not going anywhere.
— We're under attack, ma'am.
— Exactly! That's the problem with this city. Everyone's afraid to stand up and do the right thing, but I'm not.
Batman: I'm starting to see now. I have had an effect here... but not the one I intended. Vengeance won't change the past, mine or anyone else's. I have to become more. People need hope. To know someone's out there for them. The city's angry, scarred, like me. Our scars can destroy us. Even after the physical wounds have healed. But if we survive them, they can transform us. They can give us the power to endure... and the strength to fight.
點解呢個城市咁冇希望?正係因為所有嘅嘢都只係一個謊言,一個接住一個,所以人只能自己去執行自己心目中嘅正義同公道,本身仇恨嘅點就唔啱(唔係Thomas Bruce嘅計劃有問題,以後佢死咗之後嘅人將呢個資金變成賺錢機器),甚至將仇恨轉移到其後人身上。沒有規則沒有共識,就只會係一個鬥獸場,所有人共同走向毀滅
Selina: You asking me to stay? You know this place is never gonna change. With Carmine gone, it's only gonna get worse for you. There's gonna be a power grab. It'll be bloody.
Batman: I know. But the city can change.
— It won't.
— I have to try.
— It's gonna kill you eventually. You know that. Listen. Why don't you come with me? Get into some trouble. Knock off some CEO hedge fund types. It'll be fun. The bat and the cat. It's got a nice ring.
Who am I kidding? You're already spoken for. You should go.
— Selina... Take care of yourself.