
AI粵語;Mexico Elects;民國革命場景;三體訪問;後真相時代、私域流量;3M with PFAS;Insulin Empire;高考;OpenAI suck;祖姑崇拜;無體温關係;Boys struggle;NBA Foster;地方治理信用透支;taste;

當ChatGPT的廣東話「講唔正」:AI 年代,低資源語言是否注定被邊緣化?|端傳媒 Initium Media
在AI 半吊子的廣東話背後,是語言傳承與社會資源分配的角力。
Tan Lee 自 1990 年代初開始致力於語音語言相關的研究,領導開發了一系列以粵語為核心的口語技術,並得到了廣泛的應用。他在 2002 年與團隊合作推出的粵語語音語料庫 CU Corpora,是彼時世界同類數據庫中最大的,包含兩千多人的錄音數據。蘋果的第一代語音識別在內,許多公司和研究機構希望開發粵語功能時,都曾向他們購買這套資源。
在他看來,ChatGPT 的廣東話語音表現「水平不是很好,主要是不穩定,聲音的質量、發音的準確性整體都不是讓人很滿意」。但這種表現不佳並非源於技術侷限。實際上,如今市面上許多具備廣東話能力的語音生成產品,質量都要遠高於此。以至於他對網絡視頻中 ChatGPT 的表現感到難以置信,一度以為是深度仿冒的贗品,「如果是做語音生成模型的,做成這樣基本不能見人,等於自殺」。
「但嚴格來講,在技術上這並沒有什麼難度,關鍵在於社會資源的選擇。」 Tan Lee 表示。
相比於 20 年前,語音合成領域已經發生了翻天覆地的變化,CU Corpora 的數據量跟如今的數據庫相比「可能還不到萬分之一」。語音技術的商業化讓數據成為了一種市場資源,只要願意,數據公司隨時可以提供大量的定製數據。而廣東話作為口語化語言,文本與語音的平行數據缺少的問題,近年來隨着語音識別技術的發展,也已經不再是一個問題。在當下,廣東話作為「低資源語言」的說法,Tan Lee 認為已經不再準確。


語言的幻象不僅存在於粵語中。Reddit 論壇與 OpenAI 的討論區,來自世界各地的用戶都反映了 ChatGPT 在說非英語語言時存在類似表現:
幾年前,因為個人精力有限,黃冠能停止了 Ekho 對安卓系統版本的維護,但停了一段時間,突然又有用戶跑來希望他將其恢復。他才得知,如今安卓系統已經沒有免費的粵語 TTS 可用了。
用當下的眼光看來,黃冠能開發的 Ekho 採用的已經是完全落伍的技術,但仍具有獨特之處。作為本土的獨立開發者,他在設計時帶入了對於這個語言的切身經驗。他記錄的廣東話包含了七個聲調,其中第七個是香港語言學會提出的 Jyutping (粵拼)中不存在的一個發音。「『煙』這個詞在『抽煙』和『煙火』中,會發出不同的聲調,也就是第一聲和第七聲。」
在整理發音字典時,他曾請教過 Jyutping 的研發者,得知隨着時代變化,年輕一代的香港人不再分辨第一聲與第七聲的區別,這個音也因此逐漸消失了。但他仍選擇將第七音納入,這並非出於公認的標準,只是他個人的情感記憶,「土生土長的廣州人是可以聽出來的,現在使用還是非常普遍」。


Each country has its own dynamics, of course, but we will highlight some strands that connect Mexican politics to politics elsewhere. Regular readers of The Morning will notice a familiar theme: Populism is ascendant.
Beyond economic results, AMLO governs in a feisty style that voters seem to enjoy. “AMLO has forged a connection with many Mexican voters, which is rare in the country’s recent history,” our colleague Simon says. “He’s a combative communicator who seizes control of the narrative with a folksy, us-versus-them style.”
He cut government salaries and cracked down on corporate tax avoidance. He has taken the public bus as president, speaks in an informal version of Spanish and harshly criticizes Mexico’s economic elites, Viri Ríos, a political scientist, has noted. AMLO also increased oil production, rejecting environmental concerns.


AMLO has called the judiciary “rotten” and claimed some judges were part of a conservative conspiracy “dedicated to plundering the country.” He disparages journalists whose coverage he doesn’t like and runs weekly sessions devoted to “lies.” He has given the military additional powers, including policing many parts of the country.
His reliance on the military has contributed to his biggest failure because it has been ineffective at protecting public safety. Crime has risen, and cartels control parts of the country. A Times analysis found that 36 political candidates had been killed since last summer, as had some relatives of candidates.
She will also inherit some problems AMLO created, such as a big budget deficit. And she lacks his personal popularity. AMLO founded his and Sheinbaum’s political party, known as Morena, and then enacted popular policies as president.
As Natalie Kitroeff, The Times’s Mexico City bureau chief, has written about Sheinbaum: “Will she dare to stray from those policies if she wins office, inviting the reproach of Mr. López Obrador and the movement that got her there? Or will she dedicate herself to cementing his legacy, even if it means stifling her own vision?”


廖偉棠/革命場景・民國遺事 - 報導者 The Reporter


Interview: The Three-Body Problem author Liu Cixin “My novel is not a metaphor for US-China tensions”
Interview: The Three-Body Problem author Liu Cixin My novel is not a metaphor for US-China tensions Author of The Three-Body Problem - now a Netflix series - on AI, writing out of love for science rather than literature, and drawing inspiration from Arthur C. Clarke and Leo Tolstoy
“In the realm of science fiction, Arthur C. Clarke’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ stands out. As for literature in general, Leo Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ left an indelible impression. Its sweeping portrayal of historical epochs and the profound weight of its narrative influenced my creative endeavors greatly. It’s a novel with a panoramic view of depicting an era. Nowadays, many writers become immersed solely in their circles, focusing even exclusively on personal experiences. They lack the ability to unfold grand narratives and possess narrow perspectives.”


“It was necessary to mention the event to develop the story. The plot required a scenario where a modern Chinese person becomes completely disillusioned with humanity, and no other event in modern Chinese history seemed appropriate except the Cultural Revolution. It is disappointing that most participants of the Cultural Revolution did not repent, and the reason behind it is unclear.”





我都要講呢,其實我都……無幾耐之前先肥佬咗——關於某球員媽媽去咗宏遠主場嘅fake news。sigh,大概都真係冇乜靠得住,自媒體肯定唔理會,大平台都唔一定查證過,連官方都可能報啲唔報啲嘅,都係老老實實返做好fact check……奇怪,係幾時變到咁懶嘅呢?






Toxic Gaslighting: How 3M Executives Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe
Decades ago, Kris Hansen showed 3M that its PFAS chemicals were in people’s bodies. Her bosses halted her work. As the EPA now forces the removal of the chemicals from drinking water, she wrestles with the secrets that 3M kept from her and the world.


She reminded herself of what he had said — that the chemical wasn’t harmful in factory workers. But she couldn’t be sure that it was harmless. She knew that PCBs, for example, were mass-produced for years before studies showed that they accumulate in the food chain and cause a range of health issues, including damage to the brain. The most reliable way to gauge the safety of chemicals is to study them over time, in animals and, if possible, in humans.
What Hansen didn’t know was that 3M had already conducted animal studies — two decades earlier. They had shown PFOS to be toxic, yet the results remained secret, even to many at the company.


Rats that had more fish meal in their diets, she discovered, tended to have higher levels of PFOS, suggesting that the chemical had spread through the food chain and perhaps through water. In male lab rats, PFOS levels rose with age, indicating that the chemical accumulated in the body. But, curiously, in female rats the levels sometimes fell. Hansen was unsettled when toxicology reports indicated why: Mother rats seemed to be offloading the chemical to their pups. Exposure to PFOS could begin before birth.
This year, a study discovered 13 forever chemicals, including PFOS, in weeks-old fetuses from terminated pregnancies and linked the chemicals to biomarkers associated with liver problems. A team of New York University researchers estimated in 2018 that the costs of just two forever chemicals, PFOA and PFOS — in terms of disease burden, disability and health-care expenses — amounted to as much as $62 billion in a single year. This exceeds the current market value of 3M.


It may be tempting to think of Creacey and his peers as unwitting research subjects; indeed, recent studies show that PFOS is associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer and, in Air Force servicemen, an elevated risk of testicular cancer. But it is probably more accurate to say that we are all part of the experiment. Average levels of PFOS are falling, but nearly all people have at least one forever chemical in their blood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “When you have a contaminated site, you can clean it up,” Elsie Sunderland, an environmental chemist at Harvard University, told me. “When you ubiquitously introduce a toxicant at a global scale, so that it’s detectable in everyone ... we’re reducing public health on an incredibly large scale.” Once everyone’s blood is contaminated, there is no control group with which to compare, making it difficult to establish responsibility.

sad but true,再冇純淨嘅樣本,舊時嘅樣本遲早會用晒。and so sad that it's forever (as least in our life)

The Insulin Empire | Edward Ongweso Jr. & Athena Sofides
Insulin transforms a sick body. It also has the potential to reconstitute our political economic realities.
The potential for insulin’s market exploitation was almost presciently understood by Banting and his team at the University of Toronto, so in 1923, when Banting and Best were awarded the U.S. patents for insulin and the method for making it, they swiftly sold them to the university for $1 each. “Insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world,” Banting explained, believing that profiting off such an essential treatment was not only immoral but detrimental to ensuring universal affordability and access. He and Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine later that year.


Despite their efforts, things have not gone as the scientists envisioned. The major reason for this can be traced back to the capture of insulin manufacture worldwide by an oligopoly of multinational pharmaceutical firms known as the Big Three—Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi—which control more than 90 percent of global insulin markets and the entirety of the U.S. insulin market. At times involved in lockstep collusion schemes, and at others, in transparent attempts to copy one another’s products, the Big Three have thrived in no small part because of obsequious regulations, loopholes in intellectual property law, and an odious health care system, pushing a miracle drug out of reach for millions of people who need it.
Things began to change in the 1970s, as the pharmaceutical industry embarked on its glorious struggle to become the most profitable sector of our economy. It was within this political-economic reconfiguration that a new parasitic industry in the pharmaceutical pricing regime emerged: the pharmacy benefit manager, or PBM.
PBMs are entities working with drugmakers and insurance companies to determine which drugs will receive insurance coverage or be included on formularies (lists of drugs covered by health insurance plans), and to negotiate price cuts in the process. Initially formed to provide a much-needed solution to insurers that were unable to efficiently respond to claims as drug coverage increased, the arrangement became a privatized scheme in which drugmakers and insurance companies could acquire and control PBMs of their own. Rarely are the discounts they negotiate passed along to the customers (i.e., the people who need said medicines to live); they’re more often pocketed by these managers instead.
Insulin producers looked to the general drug industry, where academic and industry labs focused on “orphan diseases”—rare diseases affecting smaller patient populations—including those linked to specific genetic mutations that new drugs could target. “Scientists began dividing broad disease categories into various sub-types. . . . Treatment varied accordingly,” Goozner writes. It was elegant science, but it also meant the “patient population for any given drug shrank. That’s why most of the targeted medicines developed over the past two decades have come from small, venture capital-funded biotech firms started by scientists whose original research was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), charitable foundations, patient groups, or some combination of those resources.” Big drug companies then buy these biotech firms from venture capitalists at inflated prices, often with drugs already deep in the FDA-approval process. To compensate for the inflated cost, these new owners hike prices for drugs targeting small populations.
It’s in this environment that our insulin oligopoly found its groove. The evergreening of Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and Novo Nordisk’s synthetic insulin has allowed prices for the hormone to soar despite there being no evidence that each new version is any better than the last. They’ve also been successful in rallying opposition to legislation that supports biosimilar generic competition. Biosimilar firms are subject to additional regulatory scrutiny; they must demonstrate that there are no meaningful differences between their products and the original biologic—usually through costly clinical trials. While Europe approved its first “biosimilar” in 2006, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry stalled progress on biosimilar regulation until it was sufficiently favorable to incumbent firms, after which a spurt of “ferocious lobbying” shaped and passed the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act in 2009. It wasn’t until 2015 that the FDA approved the first biosimilar, and only by 2019 did it issue its final guidance on allowing biosimilar interchangeability at pharmacies, which is key to letting them replace brand-name drugs.
The crux, as Goozner points out, is that “biosimilar” is industry speak crafted by pharmaceutical firms to convince the public that biologic drugs like insulin—which are produced using a living organism—can’t be generics. In a 2017 research paper for the South Centre, Germán Velásquez observed, “In any debate on the impossibility of producing ‘identical’ drugs, it should be made clear that what is at stake is not identical products but therapeutic equivalents. What matters to the patient, as we have said, is whether or not a drug can prevent, cure or mitigate the effects of the illness.” We can understand the moves by the U.S. insulin cartel’s war on insulin, then, as a war to remake insulin into a more profitable form, its patients into a more profitable demographic, and its market into a noncompetitive oligopoly.
But just as insulin unmistakably, and almost miraculously, transforms a sick body, it has the potential to reconstitute our political economic realities. Medical anthropologist Samantha Gottlieb gestures towards the “paradigm-shifting” potential of the “fantastical empowered” insulin-dependent patient. Unlike the engaged, “compliant” patient of the regulatory-clinical-commercial public health imaginary, the insulin-dependent patient is an “actor-creator and disrupter.” Diabetics’ hands remain full as they traipse through multibillion-dollar mazes just to make it through each day, but, as diabetes activists on X have expressed so cogently, #WeAreNotWaiting. When insulin pumps and CGMs were faulty and incompatible, hackers developed a do-it-yourself device looping system for more personalized and precise blood glucose management; when pharma announced insulin shortages, Mutual Aid Diabetes and other groups have worked to give excess supplies to diabetics in need; when people died from rationing their insulin, protestors have demanded justice and gotten life-saving, emergency access provisions written into state legislation. While the machinations of the pharmaceutical empire and its profiteering bedfellows continue to privilege profits over people, we continue to keep ourselves cared for and alive; we continue to demand guaranteed, protected, and dignified access pathways for insulin and all other drugs and medical technologies people need—not just to survive but to live full and thriving lives.

love this ending, the hope exists because of community

高考是我最恨的日子 - Lola (@Terminus)

too bad but so true...事到如今,雖然都唔否認其公平性,但始終覺得係suck


The Scarlett Johansson Incident Makes OpenAI Look Desperate
Insisting that the public compare its chatbot to one from the movies is sweaty behavior from Sam Altman.
Setting aside the legal questions here, such behavior would align with some of the harshest criticism of Sam Altman and OpenAI — that it’s a company with little regard for the value of creative work led by a scheming, untrustworthy operator. This episode also complicates the company’s preferred narrative of unstoppable inevitability: You’re either the company harnessing the barely controlled phenomenon of imminent self-replicating machine intelligence, leading humanity into its next technological epoch, or you’re a mid-stage start-up that for some reason really needs to copy that voice from that movie to market an incremental product upgrade.
OpenAI’s lopsided public dispute with one of the most recognizable human beings on earth is the latest in a string of episodes in which OpenAI and Sam Altman have struggled to keep their stories straight. Shortly after OpenAI’s demo, news broke that the leaders and much of the staff associated with its “superalignment” team — a group that was established last year and tasked with figuring out how to “steer and control AI systems much smarter than us” — had resigned, among them OpenAI co-founder and former chief scientist Ilya Sutskever. With the exception of superalignment head Jan Leike, who said that he had been “disagreeing with OpenAI leadership about the company’s core priorities for quite some time,” most of the resignations were quiet or tersely announced — by necessity, it turned out, as Vox reported that they’d signed an “extremely restrictive off-boarding agreement that contains nondisclosure and non-disparagement provisions” that “forbids them, for the rest of their lives, from criticizing their former employer.” Altman responded that he was “genuinely embarrassed” about how this had played out, but also pled ignorance.


If you’re fully invested in the narrative that OpenAI is the tech company to end all tech companies — the one firm that can bring about artificial general intelligence, a rightful steward of a future that most people can’t comprehend — then you might worry that OpenAI has turned away from safety and alignment toward uninhibited AI development, consequences be damned. But the company’s recent behavior, and that of its CEO, who was briefly deposed by a board that accused him of a lack of “candor” before clawing his way back to power, is also consistent with that of a firm that’s facing a lot of competition whose product is less differentiated than ever, and which pronounced its commitment to safety mainly just to imply how powerful it would one day become: a company that has raised huge amounts of money not just on the strength of its technology or a clearly defined business model, but with a series of grand — and suspiciously familiar! — stories about the future, drawn from fiction of the past.

唔知未來會點,但好不容樂觀……so sad to know that

抗拒婚姻的叛逆女神!揭開何仙姑信仰背後的祖姑崇拜文化 - 研之有物 │ 串聯您與中央研究院的橋梁

yep, always have the choice, always

【編輯室報告】道德教條外的「無體溫關係」 - 報導者 The Reporter
目前全台灣916萬家戶裡,已有322萬是單獨生活戶。這個時代有更多自我滿足的方式, 除了結婚生子,懂得自處與自我照料、追尋屬於自己的快樂、建立多元的社會關係,也是值得尊重的人生選擇。

We have spent the past half-decade wrestling with ideas of gender and privilege, attempting to challenge the old stereotypes and power structures. These conversations should have been an opportunity to throw out the old pressures and norms of manhood, and to help boys and men be more emotionally open and engaged. But in many ways this environment has apparently had the opposite effect — it has shut them down even further.
For many progressives, weary from a pileup of male misconduct, the refusal to engage with men’s feelings has now become almost a point of principle. For every right-wing tough guy urging his crying son to “man up,” there’s a voice from the left telling him that to express his concerns is to take airtime away from a woman or someone more marginalized. The two are not morally equivalent, but to boys, the impact can often feel similar. In many cases, the same people who are urging boys and men to become more emotionally expressive are also taking a moral stand against hearing how they actually feel. For many boys, it can seem as though their emotions get dismissed by both sides. This political isolation has combined with existing masculine norms to push a worrying number of boys into a kind of resentful, semi-politicized reclusion.


Perhaps it’s not surprising that in the grip of the culture wars, caring about boys has become subtly coded as a right-wing cause, a dog whistle for a kind of bad-faith politicking. Men have had way more than their fair share of our concern already, the reasoning goes, and now it’s time for them to pipe down. But for boys, privilege and harm intertwine in complex ways — male socialization is a strangely destructive blend of indulgence and neglect. Under patriarchy, boys and men get everything, except the thing that’s most worth having: human connection.
Silencing or demonizing boys in the name of progressive ideals is only reinforcing this problem, pushing them further into isolation and defensiveness. The prescription for creating a generation of healthier, more socially and emotionally competent men is the same in the wider political discourse as it is in our own homes — to approach boys generously rather than punitively. We need to acknowledge boys’ feelings, to talk with our sons in the same way we do our daughters, to hear them and empathize rather than dismiss or minimize, and engage with them as fully emotional beings.
They are more than ready to talk. We just need to make sure we are listening.


NBA Foster


The gap between how Foster is viewed by some players and coaches, and how the league sees him, highlights an issue that has plagued the NBA for years and sharply escalated this season: the quality and consistency of the league’s officiating. The league this season levied $765,000 in fines to players and coaches for criticism and/or inappropriate conduct toward officials, up from the $385,000 fined last season. Postgame news conferences are often as notable for coaches’ denunciations of the referees as for commentary about the players.
Foster’s polarizing status derives from two of his definitive traits: His accuracy in calling a game and what is viewed as an unpleasant bedside manner. It has led to a complicated legacy, one that confuses and pains him.


The conflicts and confrontations have led to what Foster calls “the noise.” Criticism that he is arrogant. Complaints that he refuses to communicate with players and coaches. Insinuations that he cannot be trusted. And the insistence that he holds grudges.
He says he can handle “the noise,” in part because it’s part of the job and in part because he is held in the highest regard by his peers.

“Scott Foster is by far one of the top referees in the game, if not the top referee,” Crawford said. “As far as his personality and people not liking him? It’s because he takes no flack. If you come at him in an unsportsmanlike manner, you are going to pay for it.”
“I think Scott is an excellent official,” Billups said. “He’s not going to put up with any s—. He’s an old-school guy in the way that I like officials, like Joey Crawford, Steve Javie … they are not going to take nothing, whether you are the best player or a player up from the G League. It’s the same respect given. So I’ve always respected that about him.”
Billups said he thinks what hurts Foster is his body language and his natural affectation. Billups said Foster often looks aggravated or in a bad mood, and noted he rarely, if ever, smiles. It took years for him to conclude that it’s just Foster’s natural look.








But the idea that specific tastes are confined to certain areas of the tongue is a myth that “persists in the collective consciousness despite decades of research debunking it,” according to a review published this month in The New England Journal of Medicine. Also wrong: the notion that taste is limited to the mouth.
Such taste receptors aren’t limited to the tongue; they are also found in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, fat cells, brain, muscle cells, thyroid and lungs. We don’t generally think of these organs as tasting anything, but they use the receptors to pick up the presence of various molecules and metabolize them, said Diego Bohórquez, a self-described gut-brain neuroscientist at Duke University. For example, when the gut notices sugar in food, it tells the brain to alert other organs to get ready for digestion.
Dr. Breslin likens the system to an airport preparing for a plane landing.
“Think about if a plane landed at an airport terminal that wasn’t ready,” he said. No one would be prepared to guide the plane to the gate, clean it up or unload the luggage.
Taste, he said, gets things ready. It wakes up the stomach, stimulates salivation and sends a little insulin into the blood, which in turn transports sugars into the cells. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist who won a Nobel Prize for his studies on digestion in 1904, showed that lumps of meat placed directly into a hole in the dog’s stomach would not be digested unless he dusted the dog’s tongue with some dried meat powder to start things off.
