The Adam Project




The Adam Project - Wikipedia


Adam's mom: I don't understand you.
Adam: Dad would.
—  What's going on, honey? Can you just tell me? If I keep having to leave work in the middle of the day, I'm gonna lose my job. It's the third time you've been suspended for fighting.
—  You'd think I'd be better at it by now.
—  This goes on your permanent record. Get that? Care about your future? Do you? Son, you'd better start caring, because the future is coming, sooner than you think.

一上嚟,我哋就知道,12歲嘅Adam比較軟弱,喺學校畀人疜,而且仲未從爸爸過身嘅悲傷中走出嚟,同媽媽嘅關係都唔係好好。而上邊嘅對話都有一語雙關嘅意思,因為the future himself is coming.

Adam: Make good choices, okay?
Mom: Said the boy who got suspended. I love you, honey.
— I love you too, Mom. More than I know.

Actions speak louder than words. 講係講love,但其實只係匆匆告別

Older Adam: How long ago was Dad's accident?
Younger: About a year and a half ago.
— She still hasn't cleaned out his closet.
— She's not much of a housekeeper.
— Hey. You have her to take care of you. She has no one. You understand?
    Do you understand? She wakes up every morning with a broken heart and a closet full of his clothes and gets nothing from you but a fistful of crap, and not even, like, ten seconds of genuine empathy.
— I'm you, you know.
— Tell me about it. You know, 30 years, you still get sick to your stomach every time you remember how you treated her now.


Older Adam: Hey, look, you lost one fight. I figured you'd be used to that by now.
Younger: You coulda helped. You just stood there.
— Christ. You're so sensitive. Hey, you had to lose that fight. You had to. Trust me. You don't go from bein' you to bein' me without gettin' your ass kicked, a lot, all the time.
     I'm sorry if I went too far today. Shouldn't have done that.


Ellie(Adam's mom): Yep, how you doin'? That baby sleeping yet?
Mom's fri: Uh, not really. No.
— No. Well, you'll miss those days when they're gone.
— Ah, I find that hard to believe.
— Believe it. Babies are pure love. They grow into teenagers, who grow into be assassins of happiness.
    Sorry. It's been a rough day. Year. Couple of years.
— Hmm. Your boy still havin' a hard time?
— He hates me.
— Hmm.
— It's not his fault. He's… he's just dealing. It's fine. We'll be fine. It's good. Good, good, good.
    I wish I knew what I was doin' wrong.

Older Adam: You're not doin' anything wrong.
Mom: Sorry.
— I'm sorry.
— Sorry, you scared me.
— I was eavesdropping. I'm sorry.
   You're right, though. Teenage boys are horrible. It's like living with a urinal cake that yells at you. Mothers are usually the ones who take the hit.
    But I'll tell you somethin'. Boys always come back for their mamas.
— That's nice. It sounds like you're speaking from experience. You have a good mom?
— I am. I do. I have the best mom.
— He's such a sweet kid. I'm crazy about him. We lost his dad in a car accident year before last.
— Aren't you grieving too?
— I am. Of course I am.
— So tell him. You should tell him.
— I don't think he needs it.
— You think you're being strong for him, and the problem with acting like you have it all together is…he believes it. Maybe he needs to know that you don't. It's okay if you don't.
    He doesn't hate you. He loves you. More than he knows.

大個嘅Adam喺酒吧同心力憔悴嘅母親傾偈,確認咗自己嘅猜想:母親都好攰好難過,只係扮堅強,為曾經自己嘅疏忽同對母親嘅傷害感到後悔同難受,今次嘅"I love you too, Mom. More than I know."就係堅得冇得再堅了

Adam: We meet in the program. We meet there. Do you understand that? We can't… If I go back and stop time travel, and that's an extremely big "if" with Sorian on my ass, we never meet. We never happen. We never happen, Laura.
Laura: We did happen. Every moment we ever had will always have happened. Even if we correct the time stream, somewhere in us will be the echo of this one. And we will find each other. I really believe that.

我哋當然冇噉嘅機會,不過我哋好多時要面對生離死別,儘管以後見唔到對方,但所有嘅經歷同回憶會一直喺度,唔會變。 I really believe that.

Younger Adam: I know you think you know more than me because you're older.
Older: Go away, Adam.
— And I know why you hate him so much.
    It's because he died. You hate him because he died. You made yourself hate him because it was easier than missing him. And I remember some stuff that you maybe don't wanna.
— Oh yeah? Like what?
— He played catch with us almost every night.
— Catch.
— He'd get home from work, be so tired, and I'd be in the yard throwing the ball against the pitch back. You remember the pitch back, right?
— Oh, I… I remember the pitch back. Yeah, he bought it so he didn't have to play with me.
— Nope. He bought it because they had one in the window of Altman's. And every time we passed that store, I begged him to buy it for me, so that's what Dad did. He'd see me throwin' in the yard, and no matter how tired he was, he'd always grab his mitt to come out for a catch.
    Things happened to you, to us. And we suck at dealing with it. I'm starting to think it's something we do. I give Mom a hard time now, and… I think… I think it's easier to be angry than it is to be sad.
    And I guess, when I get older, I forget that there's a difference.
— How'd you get to be so smart?
— How'd you get to be so dumb?



Ellie: When you are with us……you're with us 100%. It's amazing. And when you're not……it's like… pfft.
Louis(Adam's dad): So is he a little lonely?
— Yeah, probably. But does that make you a shitty guy? No.
— I've gotta do better.
— Hey, buddy, I have good news for you. He doesn't need perfect. He just needs you. Your cooking makes you a borderline serial killer, but the rest of you is pretty awesome.


Older Adam: It's 2018, so EM technology isn't stable yet. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna blow this bitch up.
Younger: Blow it up? How did I live this long? That's a terrible idea.
— Yeah, well, when a bad idea is the only idea, it becomes a great idea.
— Who said that?
— You. Nine years from now, right before you get arrested.


Louis: I'm sorry, boys. I'm, uh… I'm sorry that I'm… I'm not gonna be there for you down the road, and I've given it a lot of thought, but you cannot tell me how
or when it happens. You came back here because no one has a right to change the future, including us.
Older Adam: It's your future.
— No. You're my future. Both of you. And how lucky am I that I got to see it? I haven't been there for you. And I'm sorry.
    But I saw you being born. I watched you take your first breath. And after that happens, nothing is ever the same again. You're my son, Adam, and I love you. You're my boy, and I love you.
— Okay. You don't have to do all...
— I loved you from the first minute that I saw you. And that will never change.
— I… I get that.
— Adam, you're my boy.
— Dad? We really don't have to do all...
— You're amazing.
— Okay.
— I love you.
— I get it, Dad.
— I don't think you do. I am proud of you.
— Okay.
— I love you, son. Know that inside your heart. Know… Come here. Come here.
    You're my boys, and you'll always be my boys. Throughout all time.
— I love you, Dad.
— I love you, buddy. Don't carry this
around anymore.
Younger Adam: I need you, Dad. It's so hard without you.
— I know. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be better than okay.
— You don't know that.
— Are you kidding me? Have you seen this guy(Older Adam)?

after sincerely talk, 大個嘅Adam終於能夠同父親和解,不再為佢嘅死而恨佢;而細個嘅Adam都得到安慰,相信自己可以度過呢一段難過嘅日子(interesting嘅係,細Adam都有講"You don't know that",同一開始佢同媽媽講嘅"Dad would (understand me)"有得對比


Older Adam: Can you do me a favor? I don't know if we're gonna remember any of this, but maybe there'll be an echo or somethin', like Laura said. But just in case, give Mom a hug for me. Would you do that? Not one of your lame-ass side hugs either. I'm talkin' the break-a-rib kinda hug. Yeah?
Younger: Yeah.
— Holy shit. I spent 30 years trying to get away from the me that was you. And I'll tell you what, kid. I hate to say it, but you were the best part all along.


Happy Ending! 呢部電影推介畀你~