
伊藤詩織專訪:她笑着回來了,告訴你身為性暴力倖存者的真實生活|端傳媒 Initium Media
講日語的伊藤詩織和講英語的她有什麼不同?「英語直接一些,比如,我可以說fuck off。」




在另一個訪問中,伊藤說,「關於我是誰,我還在不斷發掘的路上。但是說到底,我感覺自己……誰也不是(I'm just no one),沒有被任何東西所依附,所以也會覺得有點孤獨,但是現在,我真心為自己獲得的力量感到高興。」
在案件仍在起訴、審理,未有結果的階段,伊藤還對自己有「客觀」的要求,「我們還在庭中(in a court)」,她在意自己是否能對事件進行評論、表達個人觀點,因此盡力從記者視角出發。在《黑箱》一書中,她就努力自我抽離,憤怒、恐懼等尖銳情緒只在字裏行間閃爍。


ban phones from school

WashingtonPost| Joanna Slater|How a Connecticut middle school won the battle against cellphones

“We have these devices which we know are at best habit-forming and at worst addictive that are increasingly linked to depression and loneliness,” said Susan Linn, a psychologist, lecturer at Harvard Medical School and author of “Who’s Raising the Kids?”
“So why would we have them in schools?”
Illing administrators said some of the changes among students have surprised them.
Group vaping sessions where students would coordinate to meet in restrooms to smoke prohibited electronic cigarettes? Finished.
Using AirDrop to share inappropriate photos during class? No more.
Social-media-fueled arguments during school? Over.
When students are in groups, the peer pressure to dislike Yondr remains strong, Dolphin said with a laugh. In one-on-one conversations, though, it’s different. Multiple students have told him they feel like they are making more friends. His gut also tells him that “the angsty intensity kids are living under” — he mimicked a person with head down, lost in a screen — has diminished.
Some students hadn’t realized how much their phones diverted their focus. Nicole Gwiazdowski, 14, followed the earlier rule not to use her cellphone in class. But even in her pocket, it was still a distraction. Her phone would buzz five to 10 times a day with notifications, she said, prompting her to take it out and check it.
Everyone is paying more attention in class these days, she said. And it turns out that being separated from your phone for the day isn’t as big a deal as some students feared.
“People thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to miss so much,’” Nicole said. “You don’t miss anything. Nothing important is happening outside school.”



小Lin說《時勢》:堅信「利率是惡魔的父母」,土耳其總統獨門的「降息打通膨」有效嗎? - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
到了2018年,土耳其作為北約(NATO)成員國,卻向俄羅斯購買了戰鬥機,徹底把美國給惹毛,美國時任總統川普因此對土耳其的鋼鐵和鋁施加懲罰性關稅,還直接威脅說:如果土耳其不管好自己,我會徹底毀滅土耳其的經濟(I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey)!







not rinse after brushing


Why dentists say you shouldn’t rinse after brushing

Dental experts agree. They recommend brushing at least twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste to help prevent cavities. And they say skipping the rinse after brushing allows the fluoride to stay on the teeth, providing added protection.
Skipping the rinse is not essential for people with healthy teeth, but those who eat a high-sugar diet or are prone to cavities may need extra help from the fluoride, said Margherita Fontana, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. “When you rinse, you are basically rinsing away the active ingredients of the toothpaste that you just put on your teeth,” she said.
Another option for those who want to rinse after brushing is to follow up with a mouthwash containing fluoride, Fontana said.



gender gap among voters

Tracking the partisan identification and ideology of 18-to-34-year-olds, the McInturff analyses show that from 2012 to 2023, women became increasingly Democratic, going from 55 percent identifying as Democratic and 29 percent Republican in 2012 to 60 and 22 in 2023. The shift was even more striking in the case of ideology, going from 32 percent liberal and 29 percent conservative to 51 percent liberal and 17 percent conservative in 2023.
Among young men, the Democratic advantage in partisan identification fell from nine points in 2012 to five points in 2023.
I asked the Democratic pollster Celinda Lake, who recently joined the Biden campaign’s polling team, a job she also held in 2020. She sent a detailed reply by email:

Three reasons. First and foremost is the abortion issue and all the aspects of reproductive health, including medication abortion, I.V.F., birth control and criminalizing abortion. Young men are very pro-abortion and birth control, but young women really vote the issue.

Second is style and respect. Young men are not as troubled by the chaotic and divisive style of Trump, while young women want people to be respected, including themselves, want stability and are very concerned about division and the potential for violence. Young women think Trump’s style is an embarrassment abroad, a poor role model for their children and dangerous for the country. Younger men, especially blue-collar, have a grudging respect for his strength and “tell it like it is” attitude.

Third is the economy. Young men, especially blue-collar and people of color, feel left behind in this economy. They do not feel things have been delivered to them. They do not know anything about what this administration has done. Younger women are much more committed to a role for government to help people like themselves as a foundational view. They don’t know much more about the economic programs than young men, but they tend to respond more favorably to Democrats in general on the economy. Younger men also feel more left behind on the economy and more sense of grievance than young women do who are also increasingly dominating college and higher education.
Another likely factor, according to Twenge, is:
Fewer young men get college degrees than young women, and in the last 10 to 15 years the parties have split by education, with more of those without a college degree conservative and Republican. This appears even among high school seniors, where young men who do not plan to attend a four-year college are 30 percent more likely to identify as conservative than young men who are planning to get a college degree.



為了安全,你要讓渡多少自由?專訪《監控國家》作者李肇華談數位監控時代的民主危機 - 報導者 The Reporter




美國人會傾向於毫不批判地去理想化「自由」這個概念,甚至「為了自由而自由」(freedom for freedom's sake),卻不太會去思考自由的意義、自由帶來的責任,以及為了自由我們必須犧牲什麼──而這就是為什麼,我會在這本書的最末提到「選擇的自由」。

有唔同嘅立場都唔係問題,結合埋後邊提到嘅propaganda war,我都有啲困惑,噉問題係咪雙方都狙擊、批評另一方?似乎又唔係,為自己辯護都好正常嘅。不過用勁多納税人嘅錢去做呢樣嘢又真係唔多合理,同埋散佈假消息、陰謀論嗰啲就好黐線


eyeglasses improve incomes

Uncorrected presbyopia, not surprisingly, makes it harder for breadwinners to support their families. That’s the conclusion of a new study which found that garment workers, artisans and tailors in Bangladesh who were provided with free reading glasses experienced a 33 percent increase in income compared to those who were not given glasses.
Overall, the health needs of women in Bangladesh take a back seat to those of men. “In our male-dominated society, when the man has a problem, it requires immediate attention, but women, they can wait,” she said.
But the effects of declining vision can be especially pronounced for women, who are often responsible for earning extra income for their families in addition to the child care and household chores, Ms. Mahjabeen said. “When it takes longer to sew and clean, or you can’t pick out all the stones from the rice, in some households it results in domestic violence,” she said.

it occurs everywhere


在塞滿火藥的價值縫隙處──台灣憲法法庭首度「死刑是否違憲」言詞辯論實錄 - 報導者 The Reporter


李宣毅強調,死刑是國家的怠惰,藉此給予被害家屬交代,卻掩蓋行政系統的失敗、逃避處理被害人更深層創傷等問題,無助理解社會為何產生罪大惡極之人。接著論述廢死立場的,為律師父子檔李念祖與李劍非,前者提及一般大眾理解的死刑嚇阻效果,事實上沒有實證依據,並援引釋字第576號解釋早已確認生命無價,而從古代鬧市公開行刑到現代於隱密處執行,其殘酷本質不變,卻因迴避眾人目光更不可能達到嚇阻效果,並舉中國古代孔子、劉邦、梁山好漢,說明傳統的禮教、替天行道已不合時宜,「法官不是神、不是天、不是梁山好漢,民主的憑借不是神權,而是理性。」後者則舉出歷年民調數據,顯示當有配套法案時,近半數人民贊同取代死刑,而從20年來歷任法務部長從陳定南到蔡清祥,都曾公開表示無期徒刑或是較長的有期徒刑,是廢除死刑的有效配套措施;李劍非再舉出德國與英國的案例強調替代方案的可行性,「雨果(Victor Hugo)早在1848年就說過『死刑是人類野蠻的行為標籤』,替代方案足以讓我們撕下這張野蠻的標籤⋯⋯(請大法官)即刻宣告死刑違憲,並要求立法採取可行的替代措施。」
郭永發強調死刑案件審判程序極為嚴謹,又有多種救濟制度,可能避免誤判並確保程序的穩妥,因此法務部認為死刑並沒有違反生命權的保障,也沒有侵犯人性尊嚴,符合平等原則、比例原則而且還有很嚴謹的程序保障,本案所涉及的罪名符合《公政公約》(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,《公民與政治權利國際公約》)之最嚴重犯行,死刑為不得已的最後手段,請憲法法庭為合憲性的判決。
謝煜偉則主張, 國家剝奪人民生命權是一種特殊的例外狀態,無法放在《刑法》的脈絡下討論,「這種以隔離排害為目的的類保安處分⋯⋯已經抵觸了刑罰責任原則同時也不符合刑罰的適格性,亦違反《憲法》明顯區隔原則。」他並強調死刑定讞者無止盡在監獄裡收容的「待死」、不知何時被執行的荒謬狀態,已經屬於殘酷不人道的刑罰,「只能夠透過宣告死刑違憲或者是運用合憲性解釋以執行無期徒刑的方式⋯⋯最後本人亦反對停止執行的選項,因為它等於是放任了待決死刑犯的狀態繼續存在。」
trans' parent

As his trans daughter struggles, a father pushes past his prejudice. ‘It was like a wake-up’
Dusty Farr used to be someone else. Before his transgender daughter was suspended after using the girls’ bathroom at her Missouri high school.
Now, though, after everything, he says he wouldn’t much care if his 16-year-old daughter — and he proudly calls her that — told him she was an alien. Because she is alive.
“When it was my child, it just flipped a switch,” says Farr, who is suing the Platte County School District on Kansas City’s outskirts. “And it was like a wake-up.”


“Given the way I was raised, a conservative fire and brimstone Baptist, LGBTQ is a sin, you’re going to hell. And these were things, unfortunately, that I said to my daughter,” Farr says. “I’m kind of ashamed to say that.”
They bumped heads and argued, their relationship strained. In desperation, he turned to God, poring through the Bible, questioning teachings that he once took at face value that being transgender was an abomination. He prayed on it, too, replaying her childhood in his mind, seeing feminine qualities now that he had missed.
Then it hit him. “She’s a girl.”
“I got peace from God. Like, ‘This is how your daughter was born. I don’t make mistakes as God. So she was made this way. There’s a reason for it.’”


“There was this electricity in me that was just, it felt like pure joy. Just seeing someone I thought would never support me, just being one of my biggest supporters,” she recalled as she played with her dog, a miniature Jack Russell terrier named Allie, at a park on an unseasonably warm February day. Her father was with her.


“Being a teenager is hell,” he says. “Being a trans teen is 10 kinds of hell. She’s the brave one. I’m just her voice.”
He feels he has changed enough to fill this role — that being her voice can help other parents and kids avoid what his family endured. “Our kids,” he says, “are dying.” He thinks that because of where he came from, maybe people will listen when he raises alarms. Maybe.
“It’s almost like a transgender person,” he says of his transformation. “There’s the dead me. And then there’s the new me.”

哥倫比亞學潮現場:一場「撤資」行動,與美國高校言論自由的邊界|端傳媒 Initium Media
事實上,哥大比人們想象中更「能賺」。作為私立學校,哥大2023年盈餘高達62億美元,雖然非營利機構盈餘(surplus)不能和私營公司收益(revenue)直接相比,但作為比較,聯想集團(Lenovo)2022/23年的收益也是62億。而根據一份關於哥大財務狀況的報告分析,學費只佔哥大收入的4分1, 而哥大學生只有27%是本科生。
哥倫比亞大學此刻本身也對撤資一事十分敏感。賓州州立大學社會變革與歸屬中心主任Marcelius Braxton在X(推特)指出,80年代後,哥大捐贈基金的投資策略有所改變,從低風險資產逐漸轉向私募股權和房地產對沖基金,導致捐贈資金激增。大型捐贈者有了更多權力,學校也更依賴這些捐贈者,但這筆錢很少用在學生身上,而是用來提高學校排名。同時,因為高校資產與對沖基金相互依存,學校實際用到的前只是捐贈基金裏很小的一部分,所以哥大的選擇讓自己越來越富有,學生的地位卻下降了。


她答應開除曾猛烈批評西方社會包庇以色列的,已有終身職的中東研究教授Joseph Massad,並同意哥大抗議中大量使用的口號,「從河流到海洋,巴勒斯坦將獲自由」(From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free)是反猶主義語言。她說,有反猶主義言行的哥大師生會被開除。

【Hello World】和平衛士或反戰暴民?哥倫比亞大學「加薩團結營地」如何點燃美國學運論戰、衝擊大選? - 報導者 The Reporter



true,如果內部都亂埋,噉證明真係治理得唔好,雙方都冇辦法交流。good luck to 民主黨

propaganda war

The New Propaganda War
Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world.
Like the demonstrations against President Vladimir Putin in Russia that began in 2011, the 2014 street protests in Venezuela, and the 2019 Hong Kong protests, the 2022 protests in China help explain something else: why autocratic regimes have slowly turned their repressive mechanisms outward, into the democratic world. If people are naturally drawn to the image of human rights, to the language of democracy, to the dream of freedom, then those concepts have to be poisoned. That requires more than surveillance, more than close observation of the population, more than a political system that defends against liberal ideas. It also requires an offensive plan: a narrative that damages both the idea of democracy everywhere in the world and the tools to deliver it.
Outside this echo chamber, few even know it exists. At a dinner in Munich in February 2023, I found myself seated across from a European diplomat who had just returned from Africa. He had met with some students there and had been shocked to discover how little they knew about the war in Ukraine, and how much of what they did know was wrong. They had repeated the Russian claims that the Ukrainians are Nazis, blamed NATO for the invasion, and generally used the same kind of language that can be heard every night on the Russian evening news. The diplomat was mystified.
it involves China’s systematic efforts to buy or influence both popular and elite audiences around the world; carefully curated Russian propaganda campaigns, some open, some clandestine, some amplified by the American and European far right; and other autocracies using their own networks to promote the same language.
Most don’t offer their fellow citizens a vision of utopia, and don’t inspire them to build a better world. Instead, they teach people to be cynical and passive, apathetic and afraid, because there is no better world to build. Their goal is to persuade their own people to stay out of politics, and above all to convince them that there is no democratic alternative: Our state may be corrupt, but everyone else is corrupt too. You may not like our leader, but the others are worse. You may not like our society, but at least we are strong. The democratic world is weak, degenerate, divided, dying.
Instead of portraying China as the perfect society, modern Chinese propaganda seeks to inculcate nationalist pride, based on China’s real experience of economic development, and to promote a Beijing model of progress through dictatorship and “order” that’s superior to the chaos and violence of democracy.


Fear, cynicism, nihilism, and apathy, coupled with disgust and disdain for democracy: This is the formula that modern autocrats, with some variations, sell to their citizens and to foreigners, all with the aim of destroying what they call “American hegemony.”
All they do is amplify existing people and movements—whether anti-LGBTQ, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-Ukrainian, or, above all, antidemocratic. Sometimes they provide a social-media echo. Sometimes they employ reporters and spokespeople. Sometimes they use the media networks they built for this purpose. And sometimes, they just rely on Americans to do it for them.


good health

How to Die in Good Health
The average American celebrates just one healthy birthday after the age of sixty-five. Peter Attia argues that it doesn’t have to be this way.
Attia notes that each decade after thirty we lose a meaningful amount of muscle mass and cardiovascular fitness. If we wish to slow that decline, and to complete a “Centenarian Decathlon” of important late-in-life activities—carry groceries, climb stairs, have sex—we need to become “athletes of life.”
If anything, longer lives now appear to include more difficult years. The “compression of morbidity may be as illusory as immortality,” two demographers, Eileen Crimmins and Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, wrote in 2010. According to the World Health Organization, the average American can expect just one healthy birthday after the age of sixty-five. (Health spans are greater in countries such as Switzerland, Japan, Panama, Turkey, and Sri Lanka.)
When I asked Attia about the longevity movement, he bristled. The term “just smells of snake oil,” he said. “Most of what I see out there is what I think of as sci-fi longevity. We’re going to live to be two hundred, and death is going to become irrelevant.” He handed me my coffee. “The way I talk about it is in a very low-tech way.” Attia has said that he wouldn’t want to live forever, even if he could, and he seems wary of a stereotype of longevity doctors. At parties, he sometimes pretends he’s a race-car driver or a shepherd. “I thought I was going to get skewered for writing ‘Outlive,’ ” he told me. “I thought doctors were going to say, ‘This guy is a grifter. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.’ ” Some do say that—but others have become his followers.


“He has always been extreme,” Steven Levitt, the University of Chicago economist and co-author of “Freakonomics,” who is a patient and a friend of Attia’s, told me. “Peter has been wrong a lot, but he changes his view when he runs into evidence that contradicts his theory.” Levitt trusts and admires Attia, but acknowledged that Attia’s fans in the longevity movement could go too far. “Followers often become more extreme than the leaders,” he told me.
Emanuel, the University of Pennsylvania professor, has said that he wants to live to seventy-five. (He is sixty-six.) “Living a long time is not an end in itself,” he told me over Zoom. “If it becomes the focus of your life . . . that is one of the worst mistakes you can make.” It’s not that we shouldn’t exercise or eat well—but “everyone goes through a decline,” Emanuel said. “Spending your life worried about all these tiny things is a waste of time.”


Talking to Attia, I frequently reminded myself that I can’t diet and exercise my way out of many diseases, and there’s no regimen to eradicate uncertainty. Still, I felt the pull of becoming an “athlete of life.” Too often, conversations about life extension devolve into unhelpful abstractions and untestable speculation; one appeal of Attia’s advice is that it’s so tangible. Critics can paint his counsel as blindingly obvious or needlessly complex—but he has, at least, inspired large audiences to imagine what a better approach to aging could look like. “There is actually no such thing as atheism,” David Foster Wallace once said. “The only choice we get is what to worship.” In a society that chases money, power, fame, and beauty, there are worse gods than longevity.


As we walked on, I thought about a curious body of psychological research, which suggests that as we age and lose our capacities we tend to grow more content, not less. This finding clashes with popular conceptions of getting older, but seems to hold across continents, cultures, and eras. “I can’t do everything I used to,” a family friend, who is in his eighties and has been married for sixty years, recently told me. “But I wouldn’t say I’m any less happy than I was before.” Lost pleasures, he said, could sometimes be replaced: rounds of golf gave way to brisk walks, and when walking became difficult he spent more time talking to his children and grandchildren. As we grasp that our days are limited, we seem to abdicate our need for control; we may try to close the gap between what we want and what we have. Healthy aging seems to require a shift in mind-set as much as a shift in muscle mass.
“Sometimes I think about all the people who’ve ever lived, and how lucky I am to be alive right now,” Attia told me. “Like, if I died tomorrow, it would be O.K.” We started down a final hill. His house came into view. “But, while I’m here, I want to know that I gave it my all,” he went on. “We have this one shot. Wouldn’t it be a shame if we didn’t make the most of it?”